sábado, 18 de marzo de 2017

What is Keratosis Pilaris?

Keratosis pilaris is a hereditary skin disorder which is common among adults. Although this illness doesn’t cause any harm on your health and to your well-being as a whole, this condition can be very itchy and visibly unappealing.  Still, there is no way to treat keratosis pilaris, but there are some treatment options which can aid you get rid of your skin bumps, especially those on your cheeks.
KP and follicular keratosis are also the common terms used to pertain to Keratosis pilaris. This illness forms once your skin produces extra epidermal skin in a procedure called keratinization. Once you have defective keratinization, the excess skin cells can start to pile up on your skin surface that causes clogging of your hair follicles. This subsidizes to the bumpy look of follicular keratosis which has given it the name chicken skin bumps. These skin bumps can be formed on your buttocks, cheeks, thighs, back though they are commonly formed on the back part of the arms.

Many individuals work to treat their Keratosis pilaris by undergoing mechanical procedure and chemical exfoliation to unblock the chicken bumps. Mechanical exfoliators like soaps and loofas together with scrubbing beads can aid to smooth away your bumps. There many chemical exfoliators which can aid you to treat the bumps such as;

  • Malic acid
  • Urea
  • Glycolic acid
  • Citric acid
  • Retinoic acid cure
  • Lactic acid

In this day and age, many people have started using immunomodulators to aid with curing keratosis pilaris. This cure is tropical cream prescribed by many doctors which is usually used to cure eczema. Besides the chicken white bumps, most people who have follicular keratosis can also stimulate skin itchiness, redness and inflamed skin because of their condition. In these situations, creams or moisturizers which contain hydrocortisone can aid to lessen the skin inflammation in order for your skin disorder to become painless and visible as well.

Unfortunately, once you stopped curing your KP or keratosis pilaris by means of exfoliation, your skin can regain quickly its bumpy look. Thus, it is essential to manage your skin daily condition.
All in all, KP or keratosis pilaris is defined as a skin condition of adolescence and childhood as well. Though most of the time it becomes much blown up at puberty, it normally improves with age.  Just about thirty up to fifty percent of patients have a family history. This is described as an autosomal dominant inheritance along with adaptable penetrance. Most of the time, personal variation is described, with development of indications during summer season. Dry skin during winter season tends to worsen the signs for most number of patients. Generally, keratosis pilaris or KP is self-limited and tends to get worse with age in most patients. Most patients have a lifelong follicular pilaris with stages of exacerbations and remissions. More extensive unusual cases might be disfiguring cosmetically and distressing psychologically.

Although you may not want the sandpaper feeling and looks of your skin, KP or keratosis pilaris is not serious and harmless and is not a long term health condition. In fact, in most cases, follicular pilaris normally disappears once you reached the age of thirty.

Treating Keratosis Pilaris may seem like an impossible challenge.  However, research shows that all-natural treatment systems, such as BanishMyBumps, work.  Seek relief by visiting CLICK HERE

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What Causes KP?

The particular cause of Keratosis Pilaris is unidentified. Usually, it happens when there is a difficulty on the production of the keratin that is called hyper keratinizatinization. Keratosis Pilaris is believed to be inherited partially in origin. About fifty percent up to seventy percent of patients with this type of skin condition have identified genetic predisposition and has a higher rate of affected members of

Natural Treatments for Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis Pilaris or KP is a very common skin condition, but has a quite unknown cause, and this affects more than fifty percent of adults all over the world. Most people who have this illness do not even know about it. KP causes a small red bump that normally appears on the legs, upper arms and buttocks. This skin condition can form also on your face, where it closely resembles acne. Though

How to Treat Keratosis Pilaris?

As far as keratosis pilaris is concerned, something must be established in the first place. It has to come out with all honesty and it has to be accepted that keratosis pilaris is a skin condition that has no cure. It is a hereditary acquired skin problem and so far, there have been no universally effective cure for this yet. Science and modern medicine have done many research studies and there are many

Home Remedies For Keratosis Pilaris

Do you have “chicken skin” that looks like patches on your skin? If yes, you might probably have Keratosis Pilaris. However, do not panic and worry too much. What you should do is to look for the best home remedies for Keratosis Pilaris. But before you proceed with the treatment, you should familiarize yourself on what this skin condition is all about.

Chicken Skin - Bumps on Back of Arms

When you have tiny red bumps or patches on the upper portion of your arms, back portion or even at your thighs that appear like that of chicken skin that may seldom itch, you may have keratosis pilaris. The same with acne, this skin problem affects around 50 up to 80% of the teenagers and about 40% of the adult persons although nobody knows the exact cause of it. Those people who have greater possibility to develop eczema, allergies or asthma might also acquire this condition. Likewise, around 50% of the individuals who were already affected with this disorder have the family history related to chicken skin.