sábado, 18 de marzo de 2017

Home Remedies For Keratosis Pilaris

Do you have “chicken skin” that looks like patches on your skin? If yes, you might probably have Keratosis Pilaris. However, do not panic and worry too much. What you should do is to look for the best home remedies for Keratosis Pilaris. But before you proceed with the treatment, you should familiarize yourself on what this skin condition is all about.

What is Keratosis Pilaris?

Keratosis Pilaris, or KP for short, is an ordinary skin disorder which is characterized by buildup of the tiny bumps in your skin caused by the accretion of keratin inside the follicles of your hair. This benign and non-contagious disorder which can be inherited is also called as “chicken skin”.

Keratin is somewhat powerful and tough protein which is responsible for strengthening your hair, hooves or nails. Thus, an excess accumulation of it is typically not dangerous for your health yet this is certainly an ugly as well as unsightly condition. Keratosis Pilaris is much common in teenagers compared to adults. As a matter of fact, ladies are more prone to suffer with Keratosis Pilaris.

A person who has this problem experiences calm thickening of his or her skin and plugging on the follicles of the hair. Therefore, the most noticeable symptom that this condition has is the existence of tiny, red and rough bumps in the skin which you might think and considered as pimples. Sometimes, under the coarse bump, a tiny and curved hair might be also get trapped inside. The most usual areas of these small bumps are the outer part of your upper arm and back. On the other hand, this condition might also affect your face, buttocks and other parts of your body.

Is There a Specific Treatment for Keratosis Pilaris?

Unluckily, you will not find a specific treatment for this skin disorder. Yet, there are different home remedies designed for Keratosis Pilaris. These natural cures are very beneficial and will give an utmost help for you. For example, skin exfoliation in addition to scrubbing is the recommended home remedies for Keratosis Pilaris.

The Natural Home Cures For Keratosis Pilaris

While you are following these home remedies for Keratosis Pilaris, refrain from scrubbing the inflamed skin part vigorously because this can promote irritation on the follicles of your hair. Besides, whenever taking a bath or shower, never use very hot water to avoid drying and roughing of the skin. This could also make the problem worsen.

Managing your KP may seem like a winless battle, but there is good news.  Recent research has shown that all-natural treatment options, including BanishMyBumps, are successful at stopping keratosis pilaris in its tracks.  Learn more at You can learn more at CLICK HERE.

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